FAQ - TK Cycling Tour

Here you will find the most frequently asked questions and answers about the TK Cycling Tour on August 27th in Bremen.

If you have further questions about the TK Cycling Tour, please contact our participant management:

Phone: +49 7434-315191
Mail: cycling@deutschland-tour.com

Before the race

How can I reach the participant hotline?
The Participant Hotline can be reached by phone +49 7434-315191 or by e-mail at cycling(at)deutschland-tour.com.


Where are the start and finish of the TK Cycling Tour?
The start is on the parking areas P4 and P5 of the Weserstadion, the finish is this year approx. 6 km away in the Konsul-Smidt-Straße.

Where can I park my camper van?
It is not possible to park your camper van directly at the start in Bremen. Please book a place at an official campsite.

Which is the closest train station?
From Bremen main station, Bremen-Hemelingen and Bremen-Sebaldsbrück it is only about 15 min (3 to 5 km) by bike to the start.


How can I change my registration data?
Corrections of the data stated in the registration (no change of name) are possible until 20.08.2023 in the registration portal "timeto" via the login independently and free of charge (www.timeto.com).

Can I transfer my starting place?
Until 20.08.2023 you can easily transfer your starting place via the registration platform timeto. Log in to your existing account and select "Transfer Registration". Then you have to enter the e-mail address of the person you want to transfer and send the transfer. This person will then receive a notification shortly that the starting place has been transferred to them. As soon as the person confirms this by clicking on the link in the e-mail received, they can register for the current rate. You yourself will receive your paid amount minus a 10€ handling fee back to your account. Substitute participants who have not transferred will be disqualified.

After 20.08. a re-registration is only possible on the event area on 26.08. and 27.08. during the handing out of the starting documents against a re-registration fee of 10,- € (cash). Please bring a signed power of attorney and a copy of the identity card of the person to be re-registered. The two persons involved in the re-registration will agree on the handling of the already paid entry fee between themselves.

How do I register later?
The late entry form must be filled in completely and legibly and signed at the starting documents office on 26.08. and 27.08. (only as long as there are sufficient starting places available!). Payment is only possible in cash. Please have your identity card ready.

Can I change my starting place to the TK Cycling Tour 2024?
A change of booking is not possible. Until 20 August 2023 you have the possibility to transfer your starting place to another participant for a fee of 10€.

Which bikes are allowed?
No matter if road bike, mountain bike, trekking bike or city bike, all types of bikes are welcome on the TK Cycling Tour! Please note, however, the minimum speeds indicated. Pedelecs (e-bikes) are only allowed at the TK Cycling Tour Ride (without timing). Participation with a tandem is also possible, please note that you must register for this in the specially designated registration categories. For safety reasons, cargo bikes are not permitted.

Can I participate in the TK Cycling Tour with a pedelec (e-bike)?
Participation with a pedelec is only permitted in the TK Cycling Tour Ride (without timing), provided the motor assistance is limited to a maximum of 25 km/h. S-pedelecs are not permitted.

How are the starting blocks assigned?
The classification of the starting blocks is based on the average speed and the previous participations in the TK Cycling Tour (or Everyman Tour). Participants taking part in a cycling event for the first time who declare an expected average speed of faster than 35 km/h may have to submit a verifiable result. Registration must be completed by 20 August 2023 to be eligible for the front starting blocks. Anyone registering after 20 August will not be entitled to a front starting block and, depending on capacity, may be placed in one of the rear starting blocks regardless of the average speed declared.


Issue of starting documents

How do I collect my starting documents correctly?
Please bring the email with your race number (you will receive this the week before the event) and your ID card with you to pick up your race documents. The start documents will be handed out on 26 August from 12:00 to 19:00 at the Weserstadion VIP Club West (Franz-Böhmert-Straße 1). It is also possible to pick up the starting documents on the morning of 27 August between 07:00 and 09:00 (Attention! Allow enough time in the morning before the start!).
ATTENTION NEW: Time slots for collection*:
In order to distribute the rush at the collection of the starting documents and to reduce waiting times, we will allocate time slots for the collection of the starting documents on Saturday, 26/08/2023:

Start block 1: 26.08.2023, 12:00-13:00 hrs

Starting block 2: 26.08.2023, 13:00-14:00 hrs

Starting block 3: 26.08.2023, 14:00-15:00 hrs

Starting block 4: 26.08.2023, 15:00-16:00 hrs

Starting block 5: 26.08.2023, 16:00-17:00 hrs

Starting block 6: 26.08.2023, 17:00-18:00 hrs

*Should you not be able to keep to your time slot, you can of course collect your race number at another time, but you may have to expect longer waiting times.

Can I pick up my starting documents before 26.08.?
No, this is not possible.

Can someone else pick up my starting documents?
The person collecting them must bring your email with the race number (you will receive this the week before the event), a signed authorisation for collection and a copy of the participant's ID card to the start documents collection point.

Will I receive my starting documents by post?
No. The starting documents will not be sent out by post.

Where do I get my starter bag?
Before the race at the starting documents counter.


When do I get my jersey?
The TK Cycling Tour jersey of our partner Santini, which is included in the registration, will be handed out at the starting documents.

Can I exchange my jersey for a different size?
In case of an exchange, please contact the info tent at the Expo Tour directly after the race or the participant hotline in the week after the event. To ensure that all participants receive the size they ordered, exchanges are not possible before the race. Exchanges after the race are only possible while stocks last.

On the event day

Just before the start

Where is the information desk of the organiser?
The information desk is located at the starting documents counter, please contact the staff on site if you have any questions at short notice.

Can I join my friends/colleagues in the starting block?
Only if they are in a slower starting block, further back. Lining up in a starting group further forward will result in disqualification.

How do I find my starting block?
The individual starting blocks are signposted on site. They are located around P4 and P5 of the Weser Stadium.

Can I drop off my luggage before the start?
There will be no bag drop-off this year.

Are there toilets at the start?
There are portable toilets in several places in the starting area and at the starting blocks.

In the race

How does the start of the race work?
The starting signal for both courses will be given at 09:15. Afterwards, the individual starting blocks will roll off one after the other. Please understand that individual starting blocks may be stopped briefly by the organisers under the starting arch.

ATTENTION: Both courses are neutralised on the first 200 m until the ascent to the Osterdeich, i.e. the time measurement relevant for the classification starts on the Osterdeich.

What do neutralised and real start mean?
The neutralised start describes the starting point of the courses, here all cyclists have to start and roll off together, the neutralised start is located on the access road to P5 of the Weser Stadium. The real start again describes the point on the course where the race begins. The real start is located after approx. 200 m on the Osterdeich. Up to this point the race is neutralised, which means that the lead car sets the speed and you are encouraged to ride comfortably due to the dense field.

Which routes are there?
This year there will be two routes of the TK Cycling Tour again. The Weser Round with 106 km and approx. 300 metres of altitude, as well as the Bremen Round with 66 km and approx. 150 metres of altitude. In addition, the TK Cycling Tour Ride offers recreational cyclists the unique opportunity to start without timekeeping on the short Bremen Round. A selection of the route is necessary during registration!

Can I switch between distances during the race?
A change of course requires prior re-registration. This is possible until 20.08. online via timeto and on 26. and 27.08. at the starting documents collection. A change from the long to the short distance is free of charge. In case of a change from short to long distance the difference of the registration costs + 5 € handling fee has to be paid.

Are there refreshment points on the course?
On the long Weser circuit there is a refreshment station in Hoya at about kilometre 52. Here you will have the opportunity to fill your bottles and get some refreshments (in addition to drinks, there will be fruit, bars and gels). There are no aid stations on the Bremen loop, so please plan to have enough food and drinks for the 66 km.

What do I do with my rubbish (gels, banana peels, ...) during the race?
As in normal road traffic, you are also obliged to dispose of your rubbish properly in the rubbish bins provided at the TK Cycling Tour. These can be found, for example, at the refreshment station or in the start and finish areas. Anyone who throws away their rubbish on the course during the race will be disqualified.

What do I do in the event of a crash?
Please help your fellow riders in case of a crash and warn other participants. As in normal road traffic, the emergency call number for the TK Cycling Tour is 112. In this context, please also give the start number of the fallen participant so that he or she can be identified without any doubt.

Are there broom wagons?
There are broom wagons that pick up participants who do not keep to the minimum speeds. The minimum speed describes the average speed, which means that this is naturally adapted to the course profile and slower speeds uphill and faster speeds downhill are taken into account.

Minimum speeds:                        Weserrunde:                              ca. 25km/h

                                               Bremer Runde:                             ca. 23km/h

The broom wagons are guided by clear cut-off times.

What are cut-off times?
The broom wagon is guided by clearly defined cut-off times. These are calculated by combining the start time of the last participant and the minimum speed. All participants who cannot keep to the cut-off times will be taken out of the race and can either get into the broom wagon or continue the ride on a track that is no longer closed, at their own risk and without a start number. The cut-off times are as follows:




Broom wagon time


Bremer Runde


Rieder Straße / Sudweyher Straße




Okel (Turn-off Okeler Straße)




Syke (Turn-off Schnepker Straße)




Gödestorf (Intersection Gödestorfer Straße)




Route separation point Gödestorfer Straße / Bremer Straße (Beginn Gemarkung Emtinghausen)





Emtinghausen (Intersection Syker Straße)





Schwarme (Intersection Kirchstraße)





Martfeld (Turn-off Hauptstraße)





Hoya (Turn-off auf dem Kuhkamp / Feed zone)





Magelsen (Intersection Steinspecken)





Blender (Intersection Blender Hauptstraße)





Beppen (Intersection Härsenstraße)





Thedinghausen (Turn-off Syker Straße)





Route merging point Adliges Holz/Thedinghausen





Ahausen (Intersection bei der Ziegelei)




Leaving the Dreye southern bypass / beginning of Bremen district












Finish Konsul-Smidt-Straße















































*All participants who arrive at the split point after 11:07 a.m. must finish the race on the short Bremen lap. All participants who arrive at the split point after 11:14 a.m. will be taken out of the race.

I crashed, how do I get my bike back?
Bicycles belonging to participants who have crashed can be collected from the information tent in Konsul-Smidt-Straße until 5pm on 27 August 2023. If this is not possible there´ll be an option afterwards in Bremen, please contact our participant service at cycling@deutschland-tour.com.

Where can I find technical support on the race course?
Our partner Shimano will offer roadside assistance at the aid station on the long Weserrunde route, at approx. kilometre 52 in Hoya. In addition, we have equipped our support bikes with inner tubes and air pumps to be able to provide support at short notice. Nevertheless, we ask you to bring the most important material for a repair (spare tube, tyre lever, mini pump) with you.

Is it compulsory to wear a helmet?
Participants of the TK Cycling Tour are obliged to wear a bicycle helmet with a closed chin strap. Participants without a helmet will be disqualified.

After the race

Is there an after-race area?
You will be directed to the after-race area after the finish, where there will be snacks and drinks for all participants. We ask you to walk through to the after-race area and not to stop before to avoid a backlog.

Where is the transponder drop-off?
These are disposable transponders that do not have to be returned.

Where can I get photos of myself from the race?
You can find your photos after the race on www.getpica.com or via the results list directly behind your name.

Pasta Party (NEW: This year after the race)
The Pasta Party will take place on 27.08. from 11:00 am to 5:00 pm in the finish area (Konsul-Smidt-Straße) - so you can fill up your carbohydrate stores after the race and talk about the race with your fellow racers. All those who have booked the Pasta Party online will receive a voucher for this on their race number. All those who would like to take part in the Pasta Party spontaneously also have the opportunity to pick up their portion of pasta on site (subject to a charge).

Where can I lodge an objection or complaint?                                           
By e-mail to: cycling(at)deutschland-tour.com

Where do I hand in lost property?                                                  
Lost property will be handed in at the information tent.

Results, Rankings, Awards

Where can I find my certificate?
All participants can access their certificates online via the results list and print them out themselves.

Who will be honoured at the award ceremony?
At the award ceremony the top 3 male/female finishers, the age group winners as well as the best male and female teams on all 3 courses will be honoured. Honours and possible prizes will only take place during the award ceremony on site, there is no entitlement to the forwarding of prizes.

How does the team classification work?
The team classification is based solely on the teams formed during the registration process, regardless of club or company affiliation. The classification for each course is done by adding up the total number of 4 participants of a team in the order in which they crossed the finish line. The best 4 participants of the respective team will be classified as the first-placed team, the 5-8 placed as the second-placed team, and so on.

When will the podium ceremony take place?

The podium ceremony will take place on the Expo Tour after the individual races. The winners of the Bremer Runde will be honoured from 13:30, while the award ceremony for the long Weserrunde route will take place from 14:00.

If you have any further questions about the TK Cycling Tour, please contact our participant management:

Tel. +49 7434-315191

Mail: cycling(at)deutschland-tour.com